Sunday, October 12, 2014

Yet another child benefit!

Federal government doubles children's tax credit to $1,000

The federal government’s decision to double the children’s fitness tax credit is getting support from parents, but many feel it isn’t quite enough.
Parents can claim up to $1,000 dollars for children under 16. They can get back up to 15 per cent of their children's registration or membership fees come tax time.
In 2015, the government will also make the credit refundable. This means parents who don't earn enough money to pay taxes can still benefit and get money back.
So what are senior and single taxpayers getting out of it? Diddly-squat. Child benefits, including education, must surely be approaching the $40B mark in Ontario alone [i.e. the Fraser Institute reported a few weeks back in the decade from 2001 to 2011, public spending on education in Ontario rose by 61%, from $15.2 billion to $24.5 billion annually] and the other list of over 39 grants, subsidies and tax credits must easily amount to $15B.
Actually no one knows the aggregate amount, so politicians at all three levels just keep throwing money into the pot on the basis that it wins votes from the majority at the cost of the minority.
It is utterly incomprehensible!

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