Sunday, October 5, 2014

Fraser Institute: Cost of education rises 61% in 10 years, to $24.5B annually.

For quite some time now I have been ruminating about the cost of child benefits, including education. Of course, few people have been listening because they are either the beneficiaries of what I call the “baby industry,” or because I am merely a single taxpayer  who isn’t.
However, now the prestigious Fraser Institute has come out with a report that confirms many of the things I have been saying. In particular:
1.     The cost of education has risen substantially, despite declining enrolments and diminishing results, and
2.     Schools are being turned into glorified daycare centres.
Attached are excerpts taken from an editorial appearing in the Toronto Sun Newspaper Sunday, October 5. 2014. To read the full story, to:

We’re paying more for public education in Ontario these days and getting less.
As the Fraser Institute reported last week, in the decade from 2001 to 2011, public spending on education in Ontario rose by 61%, from $15.2 billion to $24.5 billion annually.
Meanwhile, student enrollment dropped 5.1%, from 2.16 million to 2.05 million.
Of course, higher teacher salaries account for part of this increase, along with inflation.
But that raises the issue of whether taxpayers are getting good value for money.
For the fifth year in a row, testing by Ontario’s Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) showed math scores in decline among elementary students in Grade 3 and 6.
In Grade 3, only 67% of students met the provincial standard in math in 2014, a four-percentage-point drop from 71% in 2010.
In Grade 6, only 54% of students met the provincial standard in math in 2014, a seven-percentage- point drop from 61% in 2010.
In applied math, only 47% of Grade 9 students met the provincial standard, a figure the EQAO described as worrisome, even though it’s up from 40% five years ago.
Instead of dealing with these problems, Ontario’s Liberal government, first under Dalton McGuinty and now under Kathleen Wynne, has poured billions of tax dollars into turning schools into glorified daycare centres, through its ruinously expensive all-day kindergarten program.
This may be good enough for government work, but it’s not good enough for the real world.
The problem is the person ultimately in charge of the system is Wynne, a former left-wing trustee with the spendthrift Toronto school board.
So hold on to your wallets, Ontario, because sadly, there’s no relief in site.​ 

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