Thursday, October 7, 2010

It's confirmed: The Eagle of State is really a turkey

I admit that I don’t understand metric, and haven’t since Pierre Trudeau introduced it back in the 1970s. In my opinion it was merely an underhanded concession to the major oil companies so that we wouldn’t understand $5 dollar-a-gallon gasoline [at the time gasoline was around 34¢ per gallon].

Moreover, can you imagine the confusion this causes our American cousins south of the border. It can be 80 degrees Fahrenheit down there, and the minute they cross the international dividing line it drops 54 degrees to 26 degrees Celsius!

Oh, and there’s a deception regarding the weather, too. For example, the meteorologists are all saying that it is 20C out there today (68F), but with the wind it feels more like 15C (60F). My take on weather forecasting is this: 1) If they are forecasting good weather they’re generally wrong; 2) If they’re forecasting bad weather they’re generally right; 3) The good weather is always coming ‘tomorrow,’ and; 4) When it gets here it’s never what we expected [see above].

And speaking of ‘dumb’ things. Yet another politician has proven that the unemployment stats are short one otherwise unemployable. This jerk is proposing that it should be illegal for teenagers (under 19 years) to possess or light-up a cigarette—as if we need another stupid law or more regulation in our lives.

But seriously folks, has this myopic pipsqueak given any thought regarding enforcement? Already the majority of teens have said, “Good luck,” to it, and at that rate there aren’t enough jail cells in the entire system to accommodate them all—and at what cost? It is obvious therefore that 360-degree thinking is not big at Queen’s Park or on Parliament Hill.

Drop by my FaceBook page and leave a message on my wall. (I feel so ‘modern’ saying that!)

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