Friday, September 10, 2010

Oh dear! Another "Jones" nut case!

I refer of course to Henry(?) Jones, the religious nut case who is/was/is threatening to burn the Koran in Florida. This religious 'leader' is head of a congregation of 12 people--which proves, I suppose, that there are at least a dozen people who will follow anyone regardless of how demented they happen to be.

The name "Jones" rings a bell, however. Do you remember Jim Jones of the "Jonesville" infamy? For those that don't, he was the religious crackpot who was responsible for the death (suicide/muder) of over 900 people in Jonesville. Guyana. [November 18, 1978].

I presume it is just a coincidence, but it is no coincidence that religion is at the bottom of many violent acts throughout history--witch hunts, the inquisition, the so-called, "Holy Wars," etc.

Ironic, isn't it?

And speaking about publicity hounds...

That member of the Ontario Legislator who wants to double the fine for tossing cigarette butts to $1,500. I mean Really! Where is the perspective? This is not 'an eye for an eye,' it's an eye and an ear and a left knacker!

The only problem with democracy is that it provides jobs for some people who would be considered incompetent at anything else.

BTW, I wonder if he waded through the Tim Horton's empty coffee cups to make his observations?

Beam me up, Scotty!!

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