Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The overlooked side of multiculturalism

A very disturbing column recently appeared in the Sun Newspaper [Sunday, October 10th edition] under the heading “Gay-bashers thrive in modern-day Netherlands” by Ezra Levant. Levant attributes this as follows:
“Amsterdam isn’t gay. Now it’s Muslim, too. A million Moroccans and Turks have immigrated to the Netherlands, and sharia law rules the streets.”
He goes on to say:

“If you doubt it, then you haven’t been paying attention. Actually that’s not fair. Gay bashing is front-page news only when it’s committed by a straight, white male.

“The media is terribly uncomfortable writing about gay-bashing by minorities. It’s the same reason why Canadian feminists are so eerily quiet about honour killings of Muslim girls.”

According to an “offender study” by the University of Amsterdam, there were 201 reports of anti-gay violence in that city in 2007, but researchers believe that for every reported case there were 25 unreported ones. Moreover, Two thirds of the predators are Muslim youths.

In addition the violence is committed in the heart of the city, and often in broad daylight. “It’s a direct date to the Dutch government to show who rules the streets,” Levant writes.

“In 2008, 10 Muslim youths broke into a fashion show, dragged gay model Michael du Pree off the stage and beat him bloody. Last month, several lesbians were hit by beer bottle thrown at their heads as they marched in a parade to protest violence against gays."
Ten years ago Pim Fortuyn sounded an alarm bell when he said, “I don’t hate Islam. I consider it a backward culture.” In 2002 Fortuyn was assassinated.

Next, Theo Van Gogh, a descendant of artist Vincent Van Gogh, made a movie about Islam’s treatment of women. A 26-year-old Moroccan shot him eight times and left a dagger in his chest with a letter threatening Western governments and Jews.

To both Sociologists and Political Scientist it has been trite knowledge for as long as these disciplines have existed that immigrants bring with them their “cultural baggage,” for better or worse. It has also been trite knowledge that immigration moderates the labour supply and modifies wages; ergo it is good for business. It goes without mentioning, as well, that immigrants get to vote the minute their Canadian citizenship is declared, and politicians are well away of this ‘happenstance.’

However, as in the Amsterdam experience, these paltry benefits may come at a cost to even those who promote Canada’s Alice-in-Wonderland version of multiculturalism as being the “Kingdom of Caring” (รก-la-The Care Bears).

Along the lines of ‘culture,’ hands-up all those who have heard of the “Avro Arrow;” Louis St. Laurent; D’arcy McGee; or Samuel Steele. Hmmm, so much for Canadian history.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

It's confirmed: The Eagle of State is really a turkey

I admit that I don’t understand metric, and haven’t since Pierre Trudeau introduced it back in the 1970s. In my opinion it was merely an underhanded concession to the major oil companies so that we wouldn’t understand $5 dollar-a-gallon gasoline [at the time gasoline was around 34¢ per gallon].

Moreover, can you imagine the confusion this causes our American cousins south of the border. It can be 80 degrees Fahrenheit down there, and the minute they cross the international dividing line it drops 54 degrees to 26 degrees Celsius!

Oh, and there’s a deception regarding the weather, too. For example, the meteorologists are all saying that it is 20C out there today (68F), but with the wind it feels more like 15C (60F). My take on weather forecasting is this: 1) If they are forecasting good weather they’re generally wrong; 2) If they’re forecasting bad weather they’re generally right; 3) The good weather is always coming ‘tomorrow,’ and; 4) When it gets here it’s never what we expected [see above].

And speaking of ‘dumb’ things. Yet another politician has proven that the unemployment stats are short one otherwise unemployable. This jerk is proposing that it should be illegal for teenagers (under 19 years) to possess or light-up a cigarette—as if we need another stupid law or more regulation in our lives.

But seriously folks, has this myopic pipsqueak given any thought regarding enforcement? Already the majority of teens have said, “Good luck,” to it, and at that rate there aren’t enough jail cells in the entire system to accommodate them all—and at what cost? It is obvious therefore that 360-degree thinking is not big at Queen’s Park or on Parliament Hill.

Drop by my FaceBook page and leave a message on my wall. (I feel so ‘modern’ saying that!)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Oh dear! Another "Jones" nut case!

I refer of course to Henry(?) Jones, the religious nut case who is/was/is threatening to burn the Koran in Florida. This religious 'leader' is head of a congregation of 12 people--which proves, I suppose, that there are at least a dozen people who will follow anyone regardless of how demented they happen to be.

The name "Jones" rings a bell, however. Do you remember Jim Jones of the "Jonesville" infamy? For those that don't, he was the religious crackpot who was responsible for the death (suicide/muder) of over 900 people in Jonesville. Guyana. [November 18, 1978].

I presume it is just a coincidence, but it is no coincidence that religion is at the bottom of many violent acts throughout history--witch hunts, the inquisition, the so-called, "Holy Wars," etc.

Ironic, isn't it?

And speaking about publicity hounds...

That member of the Ontario Legislator who wants to double the fine for tossing cigarette butts to $1,500. I mean Really! Where is the perspective? This is not 'an eye for an eye,' it's an eye and an ear and a left knacker!

The only problem with democracy is that it provides jobs for some people who would be considered incompetent at anything else.

BTW, I wonder if he waded through the Tim Horton's empty coffee cups to make his observations?

Beam me up, Scotty!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Canadian Government Department of Passport Aggravation!

If it didn’t involve government I wouldn’t believe it. I will start by saying that a passport is a form of government sanctioned identification that basically says ‘you are who you are’ (i.e. Canadian, etc.) to other governments.

In this regard I can trace my family back five generations on my father’s side, and twelve generations on my grandmother’s side, so how much more ‘Canadian’ do they want? Moreover, I am recognized internationally as a Canadian author, and if you ‘Google’ my name it will come up with about approximately 12 pages of recognition.

“Not good enough,” the faceless bureaucracy in Ottawa insists, “You’re not you or Canadian until we say you are.” Ergo, I am required to get a ‘guarantor’ to attest that they know who I am both. [In my case I got a first-generation guarantor, so that was quite acceptable.]

Then, there was a difficulty about the acceptability of the form—not what was on it, but the form itself. It seems that if you call it up on the internet and push “print,” the resulting copy is acceptable. However, if you scan the government’s form and push “print,” it’s not.

Only in government, you say. Figures!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

McGuintyisms - Get 'em while they're hot!

Want to be the first in Ontario with the latest buzz phrases? Well, here they are:

• When someone attempts to pull the wool over yours eyes and you’re not buying it, say: “Yah, right, McGuinty!”*
• When someone gives you less for more, it’s a McGuinty deal.
• When someone promises to do something and then reneges on that promise, that’s a McGuinty promise.
• When something is obviously screwed-up royally, it’s oh, sooo McGuinty.
• When someone tries to bafflegab you into believing that a fee (…like “green fees”) isn’t really a tax, that’s McGuinty Bullshit!

Dalton “Trust Me” McGuinty is the premier of Ontario, but these handy buzz phrases can be modified for any political leadership. Help yourselves.

Suggest your own. Send suggestions to:

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

And you can quote me...

Since coming to Queen's Park Dalton Mcguinty's administration has been to Senior Citizenry what a Lamprey Eel is to a Lake Trout!

Make 'em pay - The first thing he did upon taking office was to rescind a seniors' property tax emption already passed into law by Ernie Eves.

Keep them in the dark - The second thing he did was to remove the kph ceiling on hydro electric power, thus increasing heating costs by double in come cases.

A bitter pill to swallow - The third item was to introduce a so-called "Health Premium"--read "Health Tax," making my generation of seniors the first to pay for health benefits after the age of 65. PS. I recently sat 8 hours in EMS to get a prescription!

Our 'Hero' ...? - And who can forget his courageous stand in apposition to the auto insurance companies to limit premium increases to 10%--or else! The 'or else' was that they would get to share in some generous benefits which McGuinty was holding out to them. Some 'or else,' considering that the insurance companies had already raised premiums about 30% in the previous three-or-so years!

More to come when I can find the time.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Government ... Errrgh!

No new snow, and the town didn't come around to bury my driveway, so I managed to get out for breakfast this morning. What a treat!

As some of you know I'm handicapped, and in my part of Canada you need a special permit to park in a handicap zone. Of course, this requires an application process, supported by a physician. No problem. I had my surgeon sign my application and submitted it to the government minions. Ergo, problem.

Because this particular bureaucrat couldn't decipher the surgeon's signature--ever seen a doctor's signature you could decipher?--she wouldn't accept it. This, notwithstanding that I was stuggling along with the assistance of a walker (which, as everyone knows, I romp around on as a lark!). A quick call to my doctor's office resolved the problem, but otherwise I'd be walking blocks to my destination.

To err is human, but to really screw things up it takes a 'helpful' government official.

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Saturday, January 9, 2010

What's new?

Stop The Bull Blog, that's what's new. Ever want to sound off to the world about something? It's great therapy. Actually I was blogging under this domain name for years before I knew it was called "blogging." So, since I already own the name, I have resurrected it as a blog page.

But hey ... it's a two way deal by which you can have your say as well. Be my guest to comment on anything--whether or not the topic is up for discussion. Let others see your opinions, too.

We'll call it our "Scream Room!"

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