Monday, April 2, 2012

Some bureaucrats are just overpaid, insensitive jerks...What do you think?

Take this case in point.
I recently returned from an out-of-country vacation. Not an easy feat for a man of 76 years curtailed to a walker (due to a failed hip operation), and a mild form of Parkinson's Syndrome. 
Now, to get back into the country Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (the same folks that collect our income taxes) requires you to fill out a declaration stating that you are:
  • Not importing guns or other weapons into Canada (even after being thoroughly searched by US security before boarding)
  • Not bringing agricultural products (such as forest of trees) on your walker
  • And that you are not carrying money in excess of $10,000 dollars (I wish!).
That’s all fine and dandy, and If I could I would, but the reality is that I can hardly hold a pen let alone write with it.
So picture this: There I am with two pieces of luggage on my lap, holding my walker in front of me, while an airline assistant pushes me along on wheelchair. We approach this hulk of a man who is doing nothing but looking surly, and his first words are “You haven’t completed your declaration … You MUST complete the declaration.” I then explain my dilemma and ask him politely if he would do it for me. Well … You’d think that I’d asked him for a loan of $10,000 so I could carry it across the border by the way he rolled his eyes and threw pencils about.
So what do you call a guy like this? He obviously hasn't any respect or compassion toward a senior citizen, or a person who is obviously physically handicapped even if my Parkinson's isn't visible.  Therefore, "a Jerk" maybe only a mild epithet.
How about a few suggestions? Add you comments below

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